People ask me why I read as much as I do, the answer is complicated and simple at the same time. I'm sick, lungs, blood, heart, they all have issues so I spend a lot of time at home on the couch or in bed just not feeling well.
When I pick up a book, I'm transported, I'm not the sick girl for those hours, I'm able to escape reality and live in a world where anything is possible, from dragons to running an advertising agency within the pages of a book there are worlds of possibilities that I will never have.
Now along with the bad goes the good, I know I'm lucky to be alive, most people won't survive what I have, a lot haven't and that gives me a different perspective, it also makes me rate books in my own way. Yes there's still the general ratings criteria but there's also how detached from reality it made me feel, how easy was it to fall into the world of the book and stay lost there for hours.
So like I said simple yet complicated, but this is my world and books are a huge part of what gets me through the rough days, and it will stay that way for as long as the books make me happy.