Lots of things have changed in the last decade or so, for me this picture was a high point, I was on a cruise with my husband, happy, enjoying life knowing we'd be coming home to family and friends.
Here we are in 2022 and I'm now oxygen dependent, disabled and have to fight every day just to get out if bed, some days I win others I stay in bed, sleep and read.
All of this to say life is uncertain at best enjoy it, cherish the memories you make and be authenticity you.
Along those lines I've decided to make a change, up until now I've tried to remain spoiler free in my reviews, and while I still won't post spoilers on NetGalley, Instagram, or Goodreads I'll be posting all the thoughts I have on the books I read going forward, I hope it makes things a little more fun and that some of you come along for the ride :-)